Timezone Timezone


Time differences

Set your clock to Japanese time from wherever you are in the world. The table below shows the time differences between Japan and the world's biggest cities.

North America
Toronto -14 hrs
New York -14 hrs
Chicago -15 hrs
Los Angeles -17 hrs
South America
Sao Paulo -12 hrs
Mexico City -15 hrs
Santiago -13 hrs
Buenos Aires -12 hrs
Rio de Janeiro -12 hrs
Asia & Oceania
Sydney +1 hr
Seoul 0 hr
Hong Kong -1 hr
Beijing -1 hr
Singapore -1 hr
Bangkok -2 hrs
Jakarta -2 hrs
Taipei -1hr
Kuala Lumpur -1hr
Manila -1hr
Delhi -3.5 hrs
Ho Chi Minh -2 hrs
Moscow -6 hrs
Frankfurt -8 hrs
Geneva -8 hrs
Paris -8 hrs
London -9 hrs
Madrid -8 hrs
Amsterdam -8 hrs
Stockholm -8 hrs
Zurich -8 hrs
Helsinki -7 hrs
Brussels -8 hrs
Copenhagen -8 hrs
Vienna -8 hrs
Dublin -9 hrs
Lisbon -9 hrs
Oslo -8 hrs

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